Free Payroll Software for SME’s – Malaysia

This is a simple, free payroll software that shares the same engine as the commercial Actpay payroll system. The latest version of this free software is now available at

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Free Payroll Software features.

Latest version with Overtime Total field and 9% EPF

  1. Enter and save staff information. Can include IC and other information to submit statutory documents.
  2. Accurate Government Statutory Calculations for :
    1. EPF – Employees Provident Fund (KWSP)
    2. SOCSO – Social Security Organisation (PERKESO)
    3. EIS – Employment Insurance System (SIP)
    4. PCB – Potongan Cukai Bulanan (MTD)
  3. Bonus PCB Calculations. Calculations will show separate values for Bonus PCB and EPF.
  4. Calculates Gross and Net Pay. Provides Net salary after deducting statutory deductions.
  5. Provides details on values used to calculate EPF, SOCSO, EIS and PCB. This can be used to verify or modify these calculations as needed.
  6. Calculation details can be exported to Excel for further calculations and reports.
  7. No Time limit on software and is free to be used as long as needed.


Download procedure

Register as Member before download. Then download Zip file and unzip. That’s all. Copy and run anywhere on the PC. No database drivers needed.

Download “PayCalc Version 5 Rev 8.1” – Downloaded 946 times – 4.44 MB

Notes :

If upgrading from previous version, please copy and replace paycalc.fdb with file from the previous version.

This software has been tested against the commercial version of the software to make sure that all the calculations are correct. The EPF, SOCSO, EIS and PCB values have been verified to maker sure that there are no errors. Due to the simplicity and the minimal functionality of this software advanced features to customise allowances and deductions are not available here.

At the minimum this software can be used to accurately calculate the government statutory calculations which have been thoroughly verified. The Excel export feature allows the user to export the data and edit it in Excel for further processing.

Please note that the PCB calculations are based on using the MTD Schedule table provided by LHDN for manual PCB calculation. These values will differ from calculations provided by the online LHDN PCB calculator. This is because the YTD values are not taken into account in calculating the PCB. This is the official alternate procedure provided by LHDN to companies who do not use payroll software or E-PCB.

Salary Calculator Instructions

Employee Information

Add Employee

To Start Click Add, input the basic information and Save. The only information needed is basic salary and the default values.

All other fields are optional, but staff number is useful for sorting. IC and other information can used to create payslip when the calculations are exported to Excel.

Marital Status, No. of Children and EPF rate will be set to default values and can be changed as required.

Calculate Payslip

The values for calculation are :

  1. Basic Pay
  2. Allowance with EPF
    Most Allowances attract EPF
  3. Allowance without EPF
    There are some allowance like travelling allowance and Overtime that do not attract EPF.
  4. Bonus
    Bonus is set separately because PCB calculations for Bonus is different form normal allowances.
  5. Allowance without SOCSO* (optional)
    Allowance that does not draw SOCSO, like travelling allowance.
  6. Allowance without PCB* (optional)
    Allowance that does not draw PCB, like travelling allowance.

* Allowance without SOCSO / PCB are optional fields. Use only if necessary.

Sample payslip Calculation

Basic Salary2,500
Travel Allowance300
Payroll calculations

Payslip Calculation Explanation.

Allowance without EPF = Travel Allowance + Overtime = 500.57

Travel Allowance is not subject to EPF and SOCSO. Also PCB for up to RM6000 per year.

Therefore :

  • Value for Allowance without SOCSO = 300
SOCSO amount = Basic + Allowance with EPF + Allowance without EPF – Allowance not subject to SOCSO
= 2,500 + 1,000 + 500.47 – 300 = 3,700.47

SOCSO for 3,700.47 = 18.75

  • Value for Allowance without PCB = 300
Taxable amount = Basic + Allowance with EPF + Allowance without EPF – Monthly EPF limit – Allowance not subject to PCB
= 2,500 + 1,000 + 500.47 – 333 – 300 = 3,367.47

PCB for 3,367.47 = 7.75

Please note that PCB calculations are based on “TABLE OF MONTHLY TAX DEDUCTIONS” from LHDN.

Staff Browse Screen

List of Employees

There are several functions available in this screen.

  1. Export XLS – All data can be exported to Excel for further processing / reports.
  2. Sort is available for Employee No., Calculation Date and Name. Just click on the table header to sort.
  3. Choose the staff here to quickly go to staff detail in the Payslip Data screen.

Salary Calculator Ad

The Free Payroll Software is Ad supported. An Ad may appear at the bottom of the page from time to time

EPF, SOCSO deductions

*Please for to Q&A Page for for Support Questions and Feedback on the software.

26 thoughts on “Free Payroll Software for SME’s – Malaysia”

  1. Hi

    Due to feedback from some users that they are not able to use the software, we have completely rewritten the software using a SQL database driver. Please download latest version.

    Thank you.

  2. Based on this scenario, minimum of 12% for salaries more than RM5,000 and 13% for salaries lower than that cause the free version, salary more than RM5,000 still calculate as 13% for EPF Employer contribution.


  3. i have just redownload the latest version and i’m testing for my input.
    but somehow i face different socso deduction.
    Basic + Allowance without EPF (Overtime Only) (1900 + 369.90) = RM 2269.90
    So based in the Socso Portal it should be:
    “when ages exceed RM2,200 but not exceed RM2,300 RM39.35 RM11.25 RM50.60”

    But in the software it shows deduction as follow:
    Employee : 9.25
    Employer : 32.35
    this mean its just refer to the basic input??

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